How do I use SlopeScout?

Learn more about how you open and start using the SlopeScout application in WSRB Solutions.

SlopeScout is an easy-to-use tool providing detailed slope analysis for properties in Washington state. Follow these simple steps to generate your slope analysis report.

In this article, we will cover:

Step 1: Log in to WSRB

  • Go to and click the "Login" button at the top right.
  • Enter your login credentials to access your account.

Tip: If you need assistance accessing SlopeScout, contact Customer Service. If you do not have a WSRB account, learn more about how you can create one

Step 2: Navigate to SlopeScout

  • Once logged in, click on "PropertyEdge" in the main navigation menu and select the SlopeScout tool from the drop down menu. The SlopeScout dashboard will promptly open.

Note: Your browser stores a session cookie for 8 hours, even if you close and reopen your browser. If your credentials have timed out, you'll be directed to a login page - use your WSRB Solutions credentials to re-access the tool. 

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Step 3: Input an address

  • In the search bar in upper left hand corner, type the property address you want to analyze and press "Enter." SlopeScout will locate the address on the map. Make sure the correct property is selected before proceeding.
  • Alternatively, you can select a property by navigating the map interface and clicking on the property you’d like to run a report on.

Note: If the address is not recognized, double-check the format or try navigating to it manually.

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Step 4: Adjust criteria (optional)

  • You can adjust the Rotation, Box Width, and Box Length using the sliders or manual input fields under the “Instructions” panel on the right side of the screen. If necessary, customize these parameters to fit the shape of the property. 

Note: The property you wish to run a report on must be fully inside the selected bounding box. If the building footprint extends beyond the selected bounding box, it will not be possible to run the report.

Tip: If you’ve made changes to the parameters and would like to start over, click the "Reset” button to apply default values.

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Step 5: Name the report

  • In the "Report Notes" field, enter a unique name for your report or add any notes about the property. This name will help you organize and identify reports for future reference.

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Step 6: Generate the report

  • After verifying the details, click Run Analysis.
  • The SlopeScout Elevation Analysis will generate automatically and display a detailed slope analysis, including elevation charts, percent slope, and more.

Note: If pop-up windows are blocked in your browser, the report will not automatically open. In this case, you can access it by clicking the pop-up notification in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

Reports typically take less than a minute to process. If the report doesn’t generate, refresh the page or try running the analysis again.

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You have successfully used SlopeScout to generate a Elevation Analysis report. The report includes essential data such as slope percentages and elevation charts, allowing you to evaluate the risk factors associated with the terrain.

For help understanding what is included in your SlopeScout Elevation Analysis report, click here.


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