What does BCEGS classification 99 mean?

Learn why your search for a Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS®) classification returns 99.

A BCEGS classification of 99 means that there is no classification available for that year for that building. There are two reasons a BCEGS classification may not be available.

  1. The building's certificate of occupancy was issued (or final inspection was completed) before WSRB began collecting and providing BCEGS data. We began evaluating communities using the BCEGS classification system in 1997. We needed a few years to evaluate every community in Washington state, so for some communities, we conducted the first evaluation after 1997. Any building with a completion date older than the first BCEGS evaluation of the community it's in will have a BCEGS classification of 99.
  2. The community doesn't participate in the BCEGS program. Communities aren't required to participate, and a few choose not to. If the community doesn't participate, we cannot provide you with a BCEGS classification, and instead you'll get a BCEGS classification of 99.

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