How do I do a batch analysis in SlopeScout?

SlopeScout allows you to generate reports for multiple properties simultaneously using a batch lookup feature.

Follow the steps below to run a batch analysis efficiently.

In this article, we will cover:

Step 1: Access SlopeScout

  • Go to and click the "Login" button at the top right.
  • Enter your login credentials to access your account.
  • Once logged in, click on "PropertyEdge" in the main navigation menu and select the SlopeScout tool from the drop down menu. The SlopeScout dashboard will promptly open.

Tip: If you need assistance navigating to the correct page, contact Customer Service.

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Step 2: Navigate to Batch Analysis

  • From the SlopeScout interface, click on the Batch Analysis option at the top of the screen.

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Step 3: Prepare Your .CSV File

  • In an Excel sheet, create a .csv file with at least one column for the property addresses you wish to analyze. You can also include additional optional columns such as:
    • Unique ID (for easy tracking)
    • Length (the desired length of the bounding box)
    • Width (the desired width of the bounding box)
    • Rotation (the angle of the bounding box)
  • Save the Excel sheet as a .csv file to use in SlopeScout.

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Step 4: Upload the .CSV File

  • In SlopeScout Batch Analysis, click Choose File and select the .csv file you created.
  • SlopeScout will process the file and display an Extracted Data preview with the following columns: Unique ID, Address, Length, Width, and Rotation.

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Step 5: Review extracted data

  • In the Extracted Data section, select the appropriate column from your .csv file for each field:
    • Address: Choose the column containing the addresses.
    • Unique ID: Select your Unique ID column, or choose Auto Generate if no ID is provided (IDs will be generated starting from 0).
    • Length, Width, Rotation: Select your columns for these fields, or choose Default Value for standard dimensions (300 feet for length, 300 feet for width, and 0 degrees for rotation).
  • If your .csv file contains headers that do not correspond to addresses or other fields, check the Use Header Row option to ignore them.

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Step 6: Validate the data

  • After reviewing the extracted data, click Validate to check the data. This process may take some time depending on the number of addresses.
  • If any addresses are flagged with the message "Address is outside the allowed domain", those addresses cannot be analyzed due to limitations in available data.
  • Once the data has been validated, click Begin Jobs to start the analysis for the addresses that are within the allowed domain.

Note: The "Begin Jobs" button will show how many addresses will be included in the batch analysis (example: "Begin 15 Jobs") 

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Step 7: Monitor job status

  • On the Jobs page, each address will be represented by its associated Unique ID. The Job Status for each address will update to Pending, Submitted, or Executing.
  • Once the analysis is complete, the status will update to Succeeded or Failed.
  • An estimated time until completion will be displayed at the bottom of the Jobs page. You can Pause or Cancel the analysis at any time during the process if necessary.

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Using SlopeScout’s batch lookup feature streamlines the process of generating reports for multiple addresses. Make sure to follow the steps carefully and verify your .csv file to avoid any validation errors.

If you encounter issues, contact Customer Service for assistance.